General Industry


Event registration has expired. Please register for a future date.

Course description:

Verisafe is a means in which to get updated on the topics that are important to contractors.  The OSHA cards do not expire however, continued training is required.  The Verisafe class assists employers in just that; Getting an update on critical safety information.

The class is 7 hours long and consists of the following topics:

  1. Why safety
  2. Health Hazards
  3. Falls
  4. Electrical safety
  5. Trenching and excavation
  6. Scaffolds
  7. Ergonomics
  8. Fire prevention
  9. Hazard identification workshop

At the end of the class the student should have a very well rounded update to the information they received previously.

This class is not for an employee(s) that do not have the OSHA 10 or 30 HR in construction.

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