OSHA 510 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry

Event Phone: 937-521-1574

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Mid America Instructor

construction worker giving thumbs upThis course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special emphasis on those areas in construction which are most hazardous. Upon course completion students will have the ability to define construction terms found in the OSHA Construction Standards, identify hazards which occur in the construction industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of the OSHA Construction Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program. Minimum student contact hours: 26

Prerequisites: None

OSHA #2015 – Hazardous Materials

Event Phone: 937-521-1574

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Hazardous MaterialsThis course covers OSHA General Industry Standards and other consensus and proprietary standards that relate to the use of hazardous materials. Course topics include flammable and combustible liquids, compressed gases, LP-gases, and cryogenic liquids. Related processes such as spraying and dipping, and use of electrical equipment in hazardous locations are also discussed. Upon course completion students will have the ability to assess compliance with OSHA hazardous materials standards, determine hazardous (classified) locations, and proper moving, storing, and handling of hazardous materials. Minimum student contact hours: 26

Prerequisites: None

OSHA #7400 Occupational Noise Exposure Standards

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This course focuses on describing noise hazards in the workplace.   Course includes; OSHA occupational noise exposure standards, properties of sound, noise-induced hearing loss, noise exposure control, selection and use of hearing protection, and sound level surveys and noise dosimetry, and worker training.  Classroom demonstrations of noise instrumentation and hearing protection devices are featured. The target audience is the employer or representative designated with the responsibility to develop a noise program.  At the conclusion of this course, student will understand properties of sound and its relationship to noise-induced hearing loss, hearing protection usage, and using a sound level meter.  Minimum student contact hours: 7.5

OSHA 3115 EM 385 Fall Protection

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Mid America Instructor

This course covers the OSHA Fall Protection Standard for construction and an overview of fall protection methods. Course topics include principles of fall protection, components and limitations of fall arrest systems, and OSHA Standards and policies regarding fall protection. This course meets the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers EM-385 fall protection requirements. Students will participate in workshops demonstrating the inspection and use of fall protection equipment, residential construction fall protection, training requirements, and developing a fall protection program. Upon course completion students will have the ability to assess compliance with the OSHA Fall Protection Standard, evaluate installed passive systems and fall arrest systems, and develop and implement fall protection plans. Minimum student contact hours: 26


The new EM 385-1-1 Sections 21 and 24 have new fall protection and safe access requirements.

  1. Training requirements, to include refresher training.
  2. Work Platforms.
  3. Updated fall restraint requirements for Self-propelled Elevating Work Platforms (Scissor Lifts).
  4. Roofing work requirements for maintenance activities.
  5. Flowchart for work over water requirements.
  6. Rope Access work moved from Appendix P to Section 24. This section has been refined.
  7. Ladderway openings to incorporate OSHA Requirements.
  8. Requirement to maintain 3 points of contact on a ladder.
  9. Equipping harnesses with trauma straps.

OSHA 7500 – Intro to Safety and Health Management

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This course covers the effective implementation of a company’s safety and health management system. The course addresses the four core elements of an effective safety and health management system and those central issues that are critical to each element’s proper management. This course is an interactive training session focusing on class discussion and workshops. Upon course completion students will have the ability to evaluate, develop, and implement an effective safety and health management system for their company. Minimum student contact hours: 5.5

Prerequisites: None

OSHA 7105: Evacuation and Emergency Planning

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This course covers OSHA requirements for emergency action and fire protection plans. Course topics include purpose and requirements of emergency action and fire prevention plans, elements of emergency evacuation plans, and features of design and maintenance of emergency exit routes. Students will participate in workshops pertaining to the development of emergency action plans. Upon course completion students will have the ability to list the elements of an emergency action plan and emergency evacuation floor plans, recognize violations of OSHA exit route requirements, determine whether their organization requires an emergency action plan, and develop and implement workplace emergency action and fire protection plans. Minimum student contact hours: 4

OSHA 2264: Permit-Required Confined Space Entry

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Mid America Instructor

Confined SpaceThis course covers the safety and health hazards associated with permit-required confined space entry. Course topics include recognition of confined space hazards, identification of permit and non-permit required confined spaces, use of instrumentation to evaluate atmospheric hazards, ventilation techniques, development and implementation of a confined space program, proper signage, and training requirements. This course features workshops on permit entry classification, instrumentation, and program development. Upon course completion students will have the ability to identify permit and non-permit required confined spaces, reference the OSHA Permit-Required Confined Spaces Standard, conduct atmospheric testing, and implement a permit-required confined space program. Minimum student contact hours: 20

OSHA 3095 Electrical Standards

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Mid America Instructor

This course covers OSHA Electrical Standards and the hazards associated with electrical installations and equipment. Course topics include single- and three-phase systems, cord- and plug-connected and fixed equipment, grounding, ground fault circuit interrupters, and safety-related work practices. Emphasis is placed on electrical hazard recognition and OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures and applicable portions of the National Electrical Code (NEC). Students will participate in workshops on the safe and correct use of electrical testing equipment. Upon course completion students will have the ability to understand the severity of electrical current on the human body, recognize and evaluate actual and potential electrical hazards and reference the applicable OSHA Standard, determine hazard abatement measures, and understand the proper use of electrical testing equipment. Minimum student contact hours: 26

Prerequisites: None