OSHA 503 Update General Industry Outreach Trainers

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Mid America Instructor

This course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain general industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach Training Program classes. Credit Awarded: 1.8 CEUs

Prerequisites: OSHA #501 Trainers Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry. Authorized Outreach Training Program trainers are required to attend this course once every four years (4) to maintain their trainer status.

Prior to registration, students must provide a copy of their current Outreach Training Program trainer card or an official transcript showing successful completion of the OSHA #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry from their respective OSHA Training Institute Education Center, for verification of trainer status.

OSHA 502 Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers

Event Phone: 937-521-1574

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This course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain construction industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach Training Program classes. Minimum student contact hours: 18

Prerequisites: OSHA #500 Trainers Course in OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry. Authorized Outreach Training Program trainers are required to attend this course once every four years (4) to maintain their trainer status.

Prior to registration, students must provide a copy of their current Outreach Training Program trainer card or an official transcript showing successful completion of the OSHA #500 Trainer Course in OSHA Standards for Construction from their respective OSHA Training Institute Education Center, for verification of trainer status.

Exhibitor-15th Annual Construction Industry Safety Day Conference & Expo

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Safety Get in the Game!  Refereeing Your Safety

Interested in becoming an Exhibitor at our 2018 Construction Industry Safety Day Conference?

Join us on Wednesday, January 17th, 2018 at the Dayton Convention Center!

Over 300 participants expected to attend.

Convenient to Dayton, Cincinnati, Columbus, and the surrounding area, the venue for our
2018 Safety Day is The Dayton Convention Center located in Downtown Dayton Ohio.

Safety Day is designed for those interested in current information, best practices, and methods
of reducing or eliminating work place injuries and illnesses.

Time dedicated to exhibit viewing

Space is LIMITED, reserve your booth today!

Includes recognition on the event banner and in the program.

OSHA 5810 Hazards Recognition and Standards for On-Shore Oil and Gas Exploration and Production

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OSHA #5810 Hazards Recognition and Standards for On-Shore Oil and Gas Exploration and Production

This course covers OSHA Construction and General Industry Standards relating to the oil and gas industry.  This course provides information for employees and employers to protect themselves by developing the knowledge and skills to anticipate, recognize, evaluate and control hazards common to the on-shore oil and gas exploration and production industry.  This includes work sites associated with the on-shore exploration and production oil and gas industry including, but not limited to construction, drilling, completion, well servicing, production, product gathering and processing, and product transmission.  This course is intended for employees and employers engaged in all phases of on-shore oil and gas exploration and production.  Upon course completion students will be able to determine hazards associated with the oil and gas industry, control and hazard abatement, and use of the OSHA standards, policies, and procedures as they relate to the gas and oil industry.  Minimum student contact hours: 30


Prerequisites: None

OSHA 10 Hour Construction Industry

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This course is intended to provide entry level construction workers general awareness on recognizing and preventing hazards on a construction site. The training covers a variety of construction safety and health topics which a worker amy encounter at a construction site. OSHA recommends this training as an orientation to occupational safety and health. Workers must receive additional training on hazards specific to their job. Upon successful competion, students will receive an OSHA 10-hr card. Credit Awarded: 1 CEU

OSHA 502 Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers

Event Phone: 937-521-1574

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This course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain construction industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach Training Program classes. Minimum student contact hours: 18

Prerequisites: OSHA #500 Trainers Course in OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry. Authorized Outreach Training Program trainers are required to attend this course once every four years (4) to maintain their trainer status.

Prior to registration, students must provide a copy of their current Outreach Training Program trainer card or an official transcript showing successful completion of the OSHA #500 Trainer Course in OSHA Standards for Construction from their respective OSHA Training Institute Education Center, for verification of trainer status.

OSHA 5602 Update for Disaster Site Worker Trainer Course

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Mid America Instructor

This course is intended to update the authorized Disaster Site Worker trainer with new technical and regulatory information related to disaster response and the role of OSHA in coordinating occupational safety and health in the National Response Framework.  Participants will have the opportunity to share “lessons learned” from teaching OSHA #7600 Disaster Site Worker Course.  Minimum student contact hours: 7.5

Prerequisites:  OSHA #5600 Disaster Site Worker Trainer Course. Authorized Outreach Training Program trainers are required to attend this course once every four (4) years to maintain their trainer status.

Prior to registration:  Students must provide a copy of their current Outreach Training Program trainer card or an official transcript from their respective OSHA Training Institute Education Center showing successful completion of the OSHA #5600 Disaster Site Worker Training Course for verification of Outreach Training Program trainer status.

OSHA #5600 Disaster Site Worker Trainer Course

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Mid America Instructor

Disaster SiteThis course prepares experienced Outreach Training Program trainers to present OSHA #7600 Disaster Site Worker Course, intended for second responders (those arriving hours or days after the event).  Course topics include the National Response Framework, the Incident Command System, disaster work zone safety, respiratory protection, communication issues, applying elements of successful adult training programs, and knowledge, skills, and attitudes to awareness training about safety and health standards at natural and human-made disaster sites.  Students are provided the opportunity to practice knowledge and skills through discussion, planned exercises, demonstrations, and presentations.  Lesson plans and training materials for the OSHA #7600 Disaster Site Worker Course are provided.  Students who wish to participate as authorized Disaster Site Worker trainers must prepare a presentation on an assigned disaster site worker topic individually or as part of a group.  Successful completion of this course authorized students to become trainers in the Disaster Site Worker Outreach Training Program, to conduct the OSHA #7600 Disaster Site Worker Course, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion.  Minimum student contact hours:  24


Prerequisites:  OSHA #500 Trainer Course in OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry or OSHA #501 Trainer Course in OSHA Standards for General Industry, three (3) years safety training experience, and completion of the 40-hour HAZWOPER training. Outreach Training Program trainers are required to attend OSHA #5602 Update for Disaster Site Worker Trainer course at least every four (4) years to maintain their Outreach Training Program trainer authorization.  A copy of their Outreach Training Program trainer card for construction or general industry or an official transcript from their respective OSHA Training Institute Education Center showing successful completion of the OSHA #500 or OSHA #501 course, and a copy of their 40-hour HAZWOPER course completion certificate are required prior to the start of class to verify trainer status.